Kristie took the children for a buggy ride with Max while she practiced for fair competition. Keegan went first... and then my battery started to wear out. The y had to be lightened in photo-shop because of the contrast between a very dark horse and very bright walls. Lucy was the next passenger.
Larry, Lenny, Kerry and Mark Lenny, Larry, Dave and MatthewFuture softball player for the other team. Too Cute!! I was one of the few of the cheering section for our team so I took this pic of the other team's cheering section. The lady (Eileen) on the top bleacher furthest away used to cut my hair when I was a child. It is a very small world.
May 16 we took a trip to bring our college girl back from the other side of the state. The first pic is the new dent in the bumper of her truck. Her brother and dad brought the truck back home. She rode with me. Since then her clutch skills are much improved and she is self transporting.
The rest of the pics are from our way out of Grant county. Mineral Point still keeps the big M. The last 3 pics are from the top of the M.