Saturday, May 30, 2009

Jenny is a graduate!!

Jenny is now a high school graduate and here are pics of the celebration. Jenny was there.

Family were there.
Cassie was there.
Larry was there tending the fire.

Aunt Mary was there. Robert was there for a while and Dave sang to all.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

West Allis Suburban Concert Band Concert, May 15, 2009

Front row, fourth from the right is our contribution to the oboe section.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Cassie on first

Spring is here and the first Church league co-ed softball game was played May 1, 2009. Larry is playing vicariously while Cassie is enjoying the game in the fresh grass and even fresher mud. The pics and video are Larry's work. The video stopped suddenly when the batteries gave up. The pics are of Cassie on first.