Saturday, June 27, 2009

Uncle Fay's 80!!

This is the birthday boy.

The End. 6/27/09

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Spring Bloom 2009, a bit to the North

This is the view a bit to the North as the Spring progressed. I was intrigued by the contrast of the red maple to the trees on either side of it.

Spring Bloom 2009, Westward view

This is the same view of the leaf watch from last Fall. The dates are May 3 --> June 14, 2009.

Spring Bloom 2009

(Above is a street level view because I never remember these trees in bloom like this.)

This is the view looking South from the porch in progression from May 3 --> June 14. Yes that is a repair guy working on my neighbor's room on May 16th. I am always stunned at how quickly the trees change from buds to flowers to Summer green.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Bleeding Hearts

Bleeding hearts is another Spring blooming plant. It comes up, blooms and then keeps a pretty foliage until frost. This year it bloomed from early May and the pic of leave alone is from mid June.

Virginia Bluebells

I am keeping a photo diary of my yard this year. It is a reminder of how wonderful it is to live in a part of the world that has seasons. This posting is a week's worth of Virginia Bluebells. They come up with mid-season tulips then die back to roots until next year. This year that meant May 3- May 10.