(Above is a street level view because I never remember these trees in bloom like this.) This is the view looking South from the porch in progression from May 3 --> June 14. Yes that is a repair guy working on my neighbor's room on May 16th. I am always stunned at how quickly the trees change from buds to flowers to Summer green.
Bleeding hearts is another Spring blooming plant. It comes up, blooms and then keeps a pretty foliage until frost. This year it bloomed from early May and the pic of leave alone is from mid June.
I am keeping a photo diary of my yard this year. It is a reminder of how wonderful it is to live in a part of the world that has seasons. This posting is a week's worth of Virginia Bluebells. They come up with mid-season tulips then die back to roots until next year. This year that meant May 3- May 10.