I read the Laura Ingalls Wilder books as a child and wondered about snow as high as the top of a door. I remember coming home from high school walking in the ruts made by the cars in the street. Larry and I walked to a new years eve party and hid from the cold wind behind the snow banks the year we met.
Is God sending every possible variation on Winter to our world this season?
Today was a good day to not drive to work. The news was full of jack knifed semis and spun out cars in the ditch. It is no longer a challenge to my skills. It is enough.
Above is the basket ball net holding last night's snow (1-3" predicted).
Below is the yard. This was not 1-3". It is still snowing at 11:20 am.
Even so... I would rather snow than 90° and humid. At least I can go outside in some comfort, and it matches everything.

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