Cassie drove me to a weight watchers meeting to weigh in: 8:00 am. My discharge papers mention variation in weight as something to be concerned about. We do not have a functioning scale in the house. I went to where I knew accuracy would abound. Got weighed. Then, Cassie drove me home.
I met the third VNA nurse in 3 appointments. I would love to keep one through out. It does not seem to be happening.
She listened to my chest and determined all was well with the exception on the lower portion of my left lung. It has yet to fully inflate. This is where that spiro-blah-blah-blah-ometer comes in.
I am to 750 (what ever units) on the spiro---ometer on a consistent basis. 1000 was accomplished during the appointment and that is where the marker was set on the side of the gauge.
Cassie has been going to town in the flower beds. I inspected her work then quickly found seating in the house. Too much. Too soon.
Larry has declared I am not to do anything from now on.
The cardiac rehab papers suggested resting with my legs 24" above my heart 1 or 2Xs a day. However, this is not to be done in a recliner as it would cause a bend at my waist. Is there any way to follow these instructions without standing on my head? I do not think that is what is desired at this point.
I am lying on the floor with my lower legs resting on the sofa and my upper legs perpendicular to the floor. If I were not in the way, I would be lying on the floor with my legs against the wall. That location in the house is on the pathway to the upstairs. I would be tripped over. The pose is a yoga inversion.
There are sensations over the incision. It is similar to super glue dried on the skin. This is centered over the incision ~ 2 - 2 1/2" wide X the length of the incision.
A dear friend who talked me through last year showed up today to visit with home made strawberry shortcake in hand. What made this gift extra special is I know she does not celebrate cooking the way I do. It was something she had never made before, but did for me.
Sunday June 12, 2011:
I went through the exercises on the cardiac rehab sheet. They are all within my flexibility and strength. It surprised me they ended up being aerobic.
I needed to be outside. One of the drugs I am taking has a side effect of turning the skin blue/grey with sun exposure.
Polarized sunglasses, long sleeve windbreaker, nitiral gloves and wide brimmed straw hat were worn. I was ready to take on a small patch of wild morning glories. I sat on a canvas and reached for what needed to be removed. Cassie showed up and added her youth.
I returned to the house after 20 minutes to take a nap. Cassie spent until after dark pulling weeds and thin-ing out the flower beds.
There is still the rawness in my veins from the top of my right hand over my forearm. It is not equal to a few days ago. It is not gone.
There are knots under two line insertion points. The bruises are slowly fading. My right forearm still looks like I've been in an accident with the black and blue.
There are still visible finger picks from the sugar testing.
The incision is healing and there is some sloughing off of the surgery scabs. It should be as noticable as the original scar in no time.
I started warping for a weaving project when I returned home. It is slow going. So far ~ 100 ends of the 240 needed have been measured on the warping board. It is an aerobic project that requires accuracy.
That 1000 level on the spiro--- ometer is my nemisis. It is not easily accomplished.
I began recording my foods and exercise in the WW binder. I am not yet following the 29 points per day plan. I want another post op week under my belt before I am to that point. It provides a quick and easy method to document what I am doing.
I struggled rolling off the sofa and since have noticed an occasional sharp pain over that rib. It goes away with massage, stretchnig or re-aligning.
Two OTC Tylenol@ will get me through the night.
Monday June 13, 2011:
Woke up with Larry and did a few more rows on the warping board. Then, slept in until 5:45 am. My meds are taken on a twelve hour rotation. 5:30.
It is cool enough to want oatmeal in the morning. This is the first time since the hospital. I figured out the difference between my oatmeal and their's. I make sure the oatmeal gets hot enough to cook the oats. They did not. Mine tastes of oats. Their's tastes like paste. Technique is the difference.
I made it to the basement to transfer laundry. Larry has been very intentional about making sure there is clean laundry. I am ready to take this house hold chore back, with the exception of items that are about my weight tolerance, think Winter quilt.
The scale problem has been resolved. Amazon had a well reviewed 'Eastmart Precision Plus Digital Bathroom Scale with Ultra Wide Platform and Step-on Technology, 440-Pounds' for $36.95. It should arrive next week with their free shipping. A delivery this week would be nice, but I am not willing to add $20.00 P&H.
VNA called. The nurse will be here 10:30 - 10:45. I mentioned the sharp pain that comes and goes. She will investigate further.
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