Wednesday June 15th was a day to sleep, and sleep, and sleep. I tried an excursion to the department store across the street. Cassie drove. The parking lot was busy and I realized there was no way I was going to be able to complete the trip. She turned around and took me home. I took another nap.
Thursday June 16th was an entirely different day from the one before. Almost no nap time. There were a number of excursions.
The store across the street was less busy and a parking space next to the handicap parking space was found. Purchases were made for father's day.
On to the bank.
Then a side trip to a Wendy's for a #1. Cassie ate the fries and I enjoyed the burger and root beer. This is not something I can afford the Weight Watchers points from. This week is a 'free' week where I am listening to what my body is screaming for, and it wanted a 1/4# burger with lettuce, tomato and condiments along with a full sugar soda. AND: the number on the morning weigh in is still going down. It must be the result of the hospital food and water loss catching up to normal.
The cardiologist's office called adding an echo-cardiogram to next week's visit. I mentioned not hearing from the surgeon's office for followup. That scheduling phone call came shortly. It is stunning the amount of cardiac surgery being done by one doctor.
I would not mind if there were no surgeon's follow up appointment because based on the other cardiologists; either it worked, or it didn't. However, I believe the surgeon is the guy to release me back to work. That makes his follow up important.
Had my scrubby brows waxed. She is also my yoga instructor. She does not want to see me in class until July, at the soonest. I told her the reason why I was healing so well was all the crocodile and plank poses of her class. They developed my upper chest and shoulders. Those will be off limits until mid-September.
Home in time for the VNA visit. She encouraged me to set up cardiac rehab time. I checked my files and could not come up with a contact number. I will implement the exercises provided in the hospital and bring up the topic at my cardiologist's follow up next week. The package provided while I was in the hospital came with a 10 - 12 week program to follow. Maybe there will be no need for me to do cardiac rehab once they contact me. Independent soul that I am, that would not be a bad thing.
Cassie drove me to the softball game yesterday afternoon. It was a stretch, but not overwhelming. Ta Da !!! Our team got trounced. I got slimed by my friends new dogs. We convinced a young child that the older you got, the more dogs you were allowed. A good time was had by all.
I need to come better prepared for the question, "How are you feeling?" My in-your-face self is responding, "As well as can be expected for someone who just had her heart sliced open and stitched back together." Definately, I need a kinder response.
June 17, 2011: Today Amazon sent me an email anouncing the scale should arrive today. Yippee!!
Tonight is a double header co-ed softball. Cassie has promised to take me home if it is overwhelming.
Today is the 18th day in a row Larry has worked 10 -12 hour days. He is going North for the weekend. He need to decompress now that I am on the mend.
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